Never Have I Ever: The Main Characters Ranked By Season 2 Arc
The characters of Never Have I Ever have plenty of opportunities to grow in season 2 of the hit Netflix teen comedy, some of them in unexpected ways.
Season 2 of Netflix’s teen comedy Never Have I Ever lives up to the standard set in season 1. With most of the characters returning and taking on bigger roles, viewers can see these teenagers growing. However, new experiences in season 2 also give the adult characters the chance to evolve.
Some of the young adults come into their own and make decisions about their futures, like Paxton, while others can’t seem to break from their old ways, like Devi. Meanwhile, Devi’s mom is still trying to grapple with the loss of her husband and becoming a single parent to a teenager. However, it seems that the supporting characters are full of surprises in terms of development in season 2.
10. Shira
Ben’s ex-girlfriend Shira is still involved in Devi’s story in season 2 but in a different way. She only appears to offer bits of gossip with her other friends, but she does play a key role when it comes to spreading a rumor about Aneesa. This action alone proves that Shira hasn’t grown at all since season 1.
This is understandable because she’s not one of the main characters, but it also means that she hasn’t learned any lessons from her previous experiences. One of the more disturbing moments for Shira this season is her reaction to Paxton getting run over by a car. As usual, Shira is still overly self-absorbed, filming herself on social media, and then laughing as Paxton is hit. Shira doesn’t really have an arc in season 2, despite her involvement in the plot.
9. Trent
Like Shira, Trent is a supporting character who doesn’t grow much. However, as he spends a lot of time with Paxton, he seems to evolve alongside him, if only by a fractional amount compared to his friend. As one of the funniest characters in the series, Trent often acts as a comic device, rather than someone who progresses the plot in significant ways.
However, by the end of the season, Trent appears to be a slightly different version of himself than he is in the earlier episodes. This is evident when he asks Eleanor to dance with him. By this point, he’s started to be a little more vulnerable and express his feelings and opinions, even if this is in a roundabout way.
8. Devi
As the main character, most viewers would expect Devi to grow the most. However, Devi is the one character who refuses to evolve. This is a topic her therapist tries to discuss with her, but something she struggles to accept. Her refusal to evolve likely stems from the trauma associated with losing her father.
Devi isn’t completely stagnant in season 2, but she keeps making the same mistakes she does in season 1. She’s not as obsessed with having sex, but her attraction to both Ben and Paxton is still very superficial. Only towards the end of the season does she realize that Paxton isn’t treating her well, which is when she asserts her own worth. Another key moment that can’t be ignored is her breakthrough with her therapist, even if it is only one moment in the whole season.
7. Ben
Like Devi, Ben seems obstinate about retreading old ground in season 2. After a promising start to the season, Ben regresses to his old, bitter self and spends most of the season teasing Devi and trying to make her jealous. He doesn’t display any newfound maturity or respect for who Devi is, which suggests he hasn’t really grown.
Only at the very end of the season does Ben realize his mistake, but he wouldn’t have come to this realization if it wasn’t for Eleanor. Throughout season 2, Ben doesn’t do much other than try to taunt Devi and show her how much better than her he is. Hopefully, he will develop more in season 3.
6. Aneesa
Aneesa is a new character in season 2, so her arc can’t be compared to any previous growth. She doesn’t have many opportunities to evolve in season 2, and only behaves as a main character for a short segment of the season. Her only real moment of growth is seen in the way she handles Devi’s rumor.
However, even after she has the courage to go back to school — and the compassion to accept Devi’s terrible apologies — Aneesa withdraws into the background. For the rest of the season, it’s as if the rumor had no effect on her, and she doesn’t do much other than flirt with Ben. However, Aneesa is a strong character in the first half of the season, and audiences can see the experiences that have shaped who she is. Unfortunately, she doesn’t evolve much in the last episodes.
5. Eleanor
While Eleanor does learn some lessons in season 2, her growth is very superficial and her story doesn’t feel very original. Her main dilemma in season 2 is her relationship with a Disney star who tries to take her away from her friends. This probably won’t be the most relatable experience of the show for most viewers, though some parts of it are comedic.
However, viewers can learn that in high school, loyal, understanding friends are often more important than romantic interests or peers who have a “better” social status. It’s lessons like these that make fans want to attend TV high schools like Sherman Oaks. In the end, Eleanor proves that she’s a good friend to Devi, even if Devi isn’t always the best friend to her.
4. Nalini
Devi’s mom has a lot on her plate in season 2, but this is nothing new. She’s struggling more and more to understand Devi and to know how to cope with her daughter’s antics in the wake of her husband’s death. When Nalini finally puts herself out there and tries to begin a new romantic relationship, Devi has a strong reaction.
While Devi’s outrage is somewhat understandable, Nalini should be allowed to be happy. However, she admits to Chris that she herself probably isn’t ready for a relationship, which shows viewers that she hasn’t had enough time to process Mohan’s death. On the other hand, Nalini is finally able to find some middle ground with Devi and show her love for her daughter.
3. Fabiola
One of the things that makes season 2 of the show better than season 1 is Fabiola’s arc. Instead of retreading familiar ground, the story decides to offer a new perspective on the queer community. After embracing her sexuality in season 1, Fabiola now finds herself struggling to fit in with her girlfriend’s group of friends.
Fabiola is forced to voice her opinions instead of continuing to hide in the shadows, which is a new challenge for her. She stands her ground and proves that she has grown into her own person and that she’s more comfortable with who she is.
2. Kamala
Kamala has one of the most compelling storylines of season 2, even though it has little to do with Devi or high school. She struggles to fit in at her new male-dominated workplace and her boyfriend also isn’t helping her deal with the sexism she’s facing. Instead of really listening to her, he ignorantly misunderstands her and simply tells her to keep her head down and wait it out.
Kamala decides he’s probably right, and never truly retaliates against the sexism in the lab — at least, not in a meaningful way that really incites change other than for herself. This is something that could have given her arc even more impact, but instead, the season ends with her finding another male love interest. Nevertheless, it’s a nice way to round out her season 2 journey, and it’s clear that she’s found a way to liberate herself from the traditions she feels she’s forced to conform to.
1. Paxton
Without a doubt, Paxton is the character who grows the most in season 2. He decides to turn his whole life around and become more serious about his goals for the future. When his circumstances change and he can’t swim anymore, he finds another way to brighten his prospects, which is something nobody expects of him, not even his family.
Paxton struggles a lot with who he wants to be in season 2, between trying to improve his academic results, impressing his friends, and acknowledging that he likes Devi. In the end, he makes a decision that proves that Devi and Paxton are couple goals.
[Originally shared with ScreenRant.]